Online Graphics (Computer Science 184)

VU Course ID: C184
Curriculum: 9 lectures
Textbooks: None
Prerequisites: None
Instructor: Ravi Ramamoorthi
Provider: University of California, Berkeley
Recordable: Yes / 2 CEUs

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Course Description

This course from University of California Berkeley delves into the technology and magic of online graphics. The links below provide access to the video lectures, and additional material including links to PDF files, slides and trascripts can be found on the course home page above.

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Digital Graphics 24/7 (News Feed)

Lesson 1 Online Graphics Motivation
First Online Lecture for Computer Graphics Course. Overview: Motivation of why 3D Graphics is important.
Lesson 2 Online Graphics Overview
Course Outline and Logistics
Lesson 3 Online Graphics Overview History
Brief history of computer graphics, overview of the field. (Uses historic and iconic images within fair use constraints for instruction.)
Lesson 4 Online Graphics Course: Math Review
First segment on vectors and dot products.
Lesson 5 Online Graphics Course Math Review
Vectors and Cross Products
Lesson 6 Online Graphics Basic Math
Creating a Coordinate Frame
Lesson 7 Online Graphics Basic Math
Lesson 8 Online Graphics Basic Math
Basic 2D
Lesson 9 Online Graphics Basic Math
Composing Transformations
Lesson 10 Online Graphics Basic Math
3D Rotations
Lesson 11 Online Graphics Transforms 2
Homegenus Coordinates
Lesson 12 Online Graphics Transforms
Lesson 13 Online Graphics Transforms
Rotations Coordinate Planes
Lesson 14 Online Graphics Transforms
Lesson 15 Online Graphics Viewing
Orthographic Projection
Lesson 16 Online Graphics Viewing
Perspective Projection
Lesson 17 Online Graphics Viewing
Lesson 18 Online Graphics OpenGL1
Lesson 19 Online Graphics OpenGL1
Buffers and Matices
Lesson 20 Online Graphics OpenGL1
Windows Sytem and callbacks
Lesson 21 Online Graphics OpenGL1
Lesson 22 Online Graphics OpenGL1
Lesson 23 Online Graphics OpenGL1
Lesson 24 Online Graphics Open GL1
Gourad and Phong Shading
Lesson 25 Online Graphics Open GL1
Lighting and Shading
Lesson 26 Online Graphics Open GL1
Fragment Shader
Lesson 27 Online Graphics Open GL2
Lesson 28 Online Graphics Open GL2
Matix Stacks
Lesson 29 Online Graphics Open GL2
Lesson 30 Online Graphics Open GL2
Lesson 31 Online Graphics Open GL2
Lesson 32 Online Graphics Raytracing
Camera Ray Casting
Lesson 33 Online Graphics Rayracing 1
Shadows and Reflections
Lesson 34 Online Graphics Raytracing 1
Lesson 35 Online Graphics Raytracing 1
Lesson 36 Online Graphics Raytracing 2
Ray tracing Casting
Lesson 37 Online Graphics Raytracing 2
Ray Objecting Intersection
Lesson 38 Online Graphics Raytracing 2
Lesson 39 Online Graphics Raytracing 2
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