Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys

VU Course ID: CS316
Curriculum: 6 weeks, 2-4 hours per week
Textbooks: None
Prerequisites: None
Instructors: Frederick Conrad, Frauke Kreuter
Provider: University of Michigan
Recordable: Statement of completion is available from the provider. This class can be recorded in your Virtual University e-transcript.

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starts Class starts July 7, 2014ends Aug 25, 2014)

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Course Description

Questionnaires are everywhere. Government agencies use them to measure the health and economic well-being of their nations; nongovernmental organizations use them to measure customer or member satisfaction; and pollsters use questionnaires to measure political attitudes and voting intentions. But designing questions that elicit good answers is harder than it looks. This course examines the stages of questionnaire design: developmental interviewing, question writing, question evaluation, pretesting, questionnaire ordering and formatting. It reviews the literature on questionnaire construction, experimental literature on question effects, and psychological literature on information processing. Students will critique existing questions and questionnaires as part of the course.

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Course Home Page

Unit 1 – Overview on Standardized Interviewing
Unit 2 – Response Process
Unit 3 – Asking Factual Questions
Unit 4 – Measuring Attitudes
Unit 5 – Testing Questionnaires
Unit 6 – Putting It All Together ~ Leave yourself notes in the cloud!

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