Language Courses

Chinese for Beginners
ADD FREE always open
Today, growing numbers of people are interested in Chinese culture and language. And it is useful to know about the language when coming to China for travel or business. This is an ABC Chinese course for beginners, including introduction of phonetics and daily expressions. After taking this class, learners will have a basic understanding of Chinese Mandarin and make basic conversations of daily living such as exchanging personal information, talking about daily arrangements and food, asking about price, introducing the city and the weather, telling your hobbies etc. This is an elementary course on Chinese speaking and knowledge of Chinese characters isn't necessary.

Corrección y Estilo en Español
ADD FREE starts 13 Apr 2015
La finalidad del curso es doble. Ante un texto ajeno suscitar el interés sobre lo que se dice; y sobre cómo se diría mejor: con más claridad, con más precisión, con más propiedad, con un ‘estilo' de mayor calidad argumentada lingüísticamente. Y, ante un texto propio, suscitar la preocupación sobre cómo decir mejor lo que se pretende: con más claridad, de manera unívoca; con más precisión; con gusto más general y sancionado; con ‘estilo' de mejor consideración.

Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics
ADD FREE starts 30 Mar 2015
Everywhere, every day, everybody uses language. No human society, no matter how small or how isolated, exists that does not employ a rich and diverse language. This course introduces you to linguistics, featuring interviews with well-known linguists and with speakers of many different languages. Join this free online class to explore the miracles of human language!

Introduction to Dutch
ADD FREE starts 2 Mar 2015
Learn to speak, write and understand basic Dutch, with this free, three-week, introductory foreign language course offered by the University of Groningen on FutureLearn This three-week week will help you to speak, write and understand useful Dutch. You will learn Dutch phrases, greetings, vocabulary, numbers, spelling and grammar. By the end of the course, you will be able to recognise familiar words and phrases about yourself and your family. You’ll learn to use simple sentences to describe where you live and the people you know. And you will be able to write short texts such as an email or fill in forms with personal details. The main focus of the course will be on receptive skills such as reading and listening.

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Computer and Technology Courses
Introduction to Computer Programming
Introduction to Computer Science
A History of Information
Online Graphics
Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys
Programming Cloud Services for Android Handheld Devices
Javascript for Beginners
Computer Networking 101
HTML 5 Step by Step
Introduction to mySQL Database
Facebook 101
AJAX Programming
Job Search and Networking
Internet Safety
How to Build a Computer
How to Use Gmail
Computer Basics
Windows 8: Getting Started
Email 101
Creative Programming for Digital Media and Mobile Apps