Web Design and Programming Courses

Windows PowerShell Fundamentals
ADD FREE starts 14 April 2015
Do you want to learn how to quickly automate basic Windows administrative operations? Windows PowerShell is rapidly becoming the solution that operators turn to with its powerful combination of a scripting language, command line speed and GUI tools. This course is an introduction to Windows PowerShell and will give you an opportunity to discover how to create your own scripts for automated batch processing. Learn how to replace manual, repetitive and time-consuming operations with an automated solution for both local and remote scenarios. Complete this course, and you�ll understand why now is the time to discover Windows PowerShell.

Querying Transact-SQL
ADD FREE starts 14 April 2015
Transact-SQL is an essential skill for database professionals and developers working with SQL databases. This course will help move you from your first SELECT statement to implementing transactional programmatic logic through a combination of expert instruction, demonstrations, and practical labs. The curriculum is made up of multiple modules, each exploring a key area of the Transact-SQL language, with a focus on querying and modifying data in Microsoft SQL Server or Azure SQL Database. Class labs are based on a sample database that you can deploy easily in Azure SQL Database, giving you a chance to get hands-on experience with Transact-SQL without needing to install and configure a database server.

ADD FREE starts 21 April 2015
Este es un curso introductorio en el que aprenderemos a trabajar con Excel, el componente para hojas de c�lculo de la suite ofim�tica de Microsoft, MS-Office. Este programa permite realizar todo tipo de operaciones con datos, pudiendo clasificar y manejar grandes cantidades de ellos; incorpora una gran cantidad de funciones y posee grandes cualidades para representar los resultados de forma gr�fica. Partiremos de 0 y exploraremos las funcionalidades m�s utilizadas, como los formatos, la presentaci�n de resultados, los gr�ficos, las funciones y la tablas de datos.

Introduction to Office 365 APIs
ADD FREE starts 14 April 2015
The Office 365 APIs let you access the Microsoft Cloud from all devices and platforms, including those running iOS and Android, PHP, ASP.NET, node.js, Linux and Mac OSX � by connecting via an open platform. In this course, you�ll learn how to use the Outlook Services Client to expose mail, calendar and user objects to your apps. You�ll see how the SharePoint Client allow access to users� files and SharePoint data. And you'll learn how to authenticate users using Azure Active Directory and OAuth.

Introduction to Programming Java- Part 1: Starting to Program in Java
ADD FREE starts 28 April 2015
This is an introductory course to programming with Java. This course is designed taking into account the subset and recommendations of the College Board to prepare learners for the Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science A exam. It consists of three 5-week sections. Part 1 introduces programming on the basis of familiar concepts, such as calculators and games. Part 2 focuses on how to write "good" programs, where "good" is taken from several perspectives: correctness, efficiency, software engineering techniques, and ethics. Part 3 examines fundamental data structures such as sequences, and algorithms on them, such as searching and sorting.

Buscar en Internet
ADD FREE starts 21 April 2015
En un mundo virtual en el que hay cientos de millones de p�ginas disponibles con informacion de todo tipo, buscar en Internet de forma eficaz es una habilidad cada d�a m�s necesaria. Aprende con nosotros a separar el grano de la paja usando las herramientas disponibles y realizando las preguntas de forma adecuada. En el curso aprender�s a planificar una b�squeda desde el comienzo y a utilizar las diversas herramientas que Internet pone a tu alcance para que encuentres aquello que necesitas. Veremos herramientas para buscar v�deos, im�genes, contenido libre de derechos e informaci�n institucional, entre otras muchas cosas.

Introduction to Recommender Systems
ADD FREE always open
Recommender systems have changed the way people find products, information, and even other people. They study patterns of behavior to know what someone will prefer from among a collection of things he has never experienced. The technology behind recommender systems has evolved in recent years into a rich collection of tools allowing researchers to develop effective recommenders. This course will examine the most important of those tools, including how they work, how to use them, how to evaluate them, and their strengths and weaknesses in practice. We will study algorithms that include content-based filtering, user-user collaborative filtering, item-item collaborative filtering, dimensionality reduction, and interactive critique-based recommenders. The course will be hands-on, with six two week projects, each involving implementation and evaluation of some type of recommender.

Principles of Reactive Programming
ADD FREE starts 13 Apr 2015
This course will teach you the principles of reactive programming, an emerging discipline that combines concurrency and event-based and asynchronous systems. It is essential for writing any kind of Web service or distributed system, and it�s also at the core of many high-performance concurrent systems. The course will examine key elements for writing reactive programs in a composable way. You�ll learn how to apply these building blocks in the construction of message-driven systems that are scalable and resilient, and you�ll gain familiarity with how to write composable software that stays responsive at all times by being elastic under load and resilient in the event of errors or failures.

ADD FREE starts 13 Apr 2015
This 12-week course on Java is offered in Chinese by Peking University. See the course home page for a description of the course in Chinese.

Data Visualization
ADD FREE starts 20 Jul 2015
In this course, you will learn how to transform information from a format efficient for computation into a format efficient for human perception, cognition and communication. We�ll explore elements of computer graphics, human-computer interaction, perceptual psychology and design in addition to data processing and computation.

Introduction to TypeScript
ADD FREE starts 31 Mar 2015
Learn TypeScript from Microsoft experts and the inventor of the TypeScript language. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. The course provides an overview of TypeScript, The TypeScript language features an innovative structural type system that incorporates gradual typing and type inference. The course examines how to use features of TypeScript such as optional static types, classes, interfaces, and modules to JavaScript.

Android: Introducci�n a la Programaci�n
ADD FREE starts 31 Mar 2015
Android es la plataforma libre desarrollada por Google, ampliamente utilizada en multitud de dispositivos como m�viles, tabletas, TV, wearables o sistemas empotrados. Su expansi�n ha sido espectacular, superando en la actualidad al S.O. Microsoft Windows. Tras realizar este curso conocer�s los fundamentos del desarrollo de aplicaciones en Android y podr�s realizar sencillas aplicaciones, que incluyan los aspectos m�s importantes y novedosos de esta plataforma.

Building Cloud Apps Microsoft Azure � Part 1
ADD FREE starts 31 Mar 2015
This four-week course will walk you through the process of building real-world cloud solutions. Concepts are illustrated with concrete examples, and each module includes links to other resources with more in-depth information. The examples and links to additional resources are for Microsoft frameworks and services, but the principles apply to other Web development frameworks and cloud environments as well. This is part one of a three course series.

Evaluating Social Programs
ADD FREE starts 1 Apr 2015
This short course on evaluating social programs will give you an indepth understanding of randomized evaluations and step-by-step training for conducting your own evaluation. Through lectures and case studies from real, randomized evaluations, the course will focus on the benefits and methods of randomization, determining an appropriate sample size, and common threats and pitfalls to the validity of the experiment. The course will also provide insights on the importance of a needs assessment, measuring outcomes effectively, quality control, and monitoring methods that are useful for all kinds of evaluations.

Exploratory Data analysis
ADD FREE starts 6 Apr 2015
This 4-week course course covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing data. These techniques are typically applied before formal modeling begins and may help inform the development of more complex statistical models. Exploratory techniques are also important for eliminating or sharpening potential hypotheses about the world that can be addressed by the data. You�ll learn about the plotting systems in R as well as some of the basic principles of constructing data graphics. The course will also cover some of the common multivariate statistical techniques used to visualize high-dimensional data.

Software Testing
ADD FREE starts 1 Apr 2015
This free course on Software Testing is offered as a chinese language version by Nanjing University

Machine Learning
ADD FREE always open
This course is an introduction to machine learning, datamining, and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include: supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, kernels, neural networks); unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning); and best practices in machine learning (bias/variance theory; innovation process in machine learning and AI). The course will draw from a variety of case studies and applications, teaching you how to apply learning algorithms, text understanding computer vision, medical informatics, audio, database mining and other areas.

Operating Systems
ADD FREE starts 17 Mar 2015
This free course on operating systems is a Chinese language course offered by Peiking University.

Reproducible Research
ADD FREE starts 6 Apr 2015
Learn the concepts and tools behind reporting modern data analyses in a reproducible manner. This course focuses on the concepts and tools behind reporting modern data analyses in a reproducible manner. Reproducible research is the idea that data analyses, and more generally, scientific claims, are published with their data and software code so that others may verify the findings and build upon them. Reproducibility allows for people to focus on the actual content of a data analysis, rather than on superficial details reported in a written summary. In addition, reproducibility makes an analysis more useful to others because the data and code that actually conducted the analysis are available. This course will focus on literate statistical analysis tools which allow one to publish data analyses in a single document permitting others to easily execute the same analysis to obtain the same results.

Developing Data Products
ADD FREE starts 6 Apr 2015
Learn the basics of creating data products using Shiny, R packages, and interactive graphics. This is the 9th course in the Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization. The course will focus on the statistical fundamentals of creating a data product that can be used to tell a story about data to a mass audience. Emphasis will be on communicating uncertainty in statistical results. Students will learn how to create simple Shiny web applications and R packages for their data products.

Design and analysis of Algorithms
ADD FREE starts 17 Mar 2015
This course is presented in Chinese. A description of the curriculum can be found on the course home page.

Internet History, Technology, and Security
ADD FREE always open
The impact of technology and networks on our lives, culture, and society continues to increase. The very fact that you can take this course from anywhere in the world requires a technological infrastructure that was designed, engineered, and built over the past sixty years. To function in an information-centric world, we need to understand the workings of network technology. This course will open up the Internet and show you how it was created, who created it and how it works. Along the way, we will meet many of the innovators who developed the Internet and Web technologies that we use today.

Introduction to Programming MATLAB
ADD FREE starts 16 Mar 2015
This free course teaches computer programming to those with little to no previous experience. It uses the programming system and language MATLAB, which is easy to learn, versatile and useful for engineers and other professionals. Students who complete this course will become familiar with general concepts in computer science; gain an understanding of general concepts of programming; and obtain a solid foundation in the use of MATLAB. The material assumes no background in mathematics beyond the standard high school curriculum. Students taking the course will get a MATLAB license free of charge for a three-month period.

Logic: Language and Information 2
ADD FREE starts 14 Apr 2015
This free Web course offers an introduction to predicate logic and how it is applied in computer science, electronic engineering, linguistics, mathematics and philosophy. Building on your knowledge of propositional logic, you will learn predicate logic -- its language, interpretations and proofs, and apply it to solve problems in a wide range of disciplines. The class will cover core techniques in first order predicate logic: the idea of formal languages with quantifiers, which gives us a way to talk about more logical structure than in propositional logic. The course will also delve into central logical concepts such as consistency and validity, models, and proofs in predicate logic. You�ll also learn how these techniques connect with issues in linguistics, computer science, electronic engineering, mathematics and philosophy.

Responsive Web Design Fundamentals
ADD FREE always open
Learn the fundamentals of responsive web design in this free course taught by Google�s Larry Page and offered by Udacity. When you design a site to be responsive, it will look good and work well no matter what device your users have. Learn how to create your own responsive web page that works well on any device, including desktops PCs, tablets and phones. The course starts off by discussing what makes a site responsive and how common responsive design techniques work across different devices. It goes on to explain how you can create your own responsive layout using the viewport tag and CSS media queries. As you work through the course, you'll experiment with breakpoints and optimizing text for reading on various devices. When you complete the course, you�ll be able to use responsive web design to create sites that look great across all devices.

Software Security
ADD FREE starts 23 Feb 2015
In this free, six-week course offered by the University of Maryland, you will learn how to build software that is secure. The class examines software vulnerabilities such as buffer overruns and how these flaws can be exploited by a clever attacker. The instructor looks at attacks on applications that are part of the worldwide web, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and session hijacking.

AJAX Programming
ADD FREE always open
AJAX is not a programming language but rather a group of Web design techniques that combine HTML, CSS and Javascript. Using AJAX, you can bring one-dimensional Web pages to life and turn any page into a cutting edge Web app. AJAX, an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is used on many high-end websites to achieve interactivity with users, manipulate the DOM and give users a rich browsing experience. AJAX and full-fledged programming languages such as Javascript have left Web 1.0 design in the dust and opened a new era of possibilities and challenges for Web programmers. This course, comprised of 33 videos, will introduce you to basic AJAX Web design techniques.

Introduction to Relational Databases
ADD FREE always open
This course is a fun and easy introduction to using a relational database from your code, working with examples in the Python programming language. You�ll learn the basics of SQL (the Structured Query Language) and database design, and explore the Python API for connecting Python code to a database. You�ll also learn the basics of protecting your database-backed Web apps from common security problems.

R Programming
ADD FREE starts 2 Mar 2015
This free, four-week course will teach you how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. Yo�ll learn how to install and configure software for a statistical programming environment The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, organizing R code and commenting R code. A Chinese version of this course is also being offered by Coursera concurrently with the English version.

Think. Create. Code.
ADD FREE starts 30 Apr 2015
The world is becoming increasingly digital, and most of us recording videos, take photos and share digital content across multiple applications on a daily basis. But how well do we understand the technology we�re using, and how is digital information created and manipulated? In this free course, offered by Adelaide University through the edX platform, you�ll learn the inner workings of your digital world as well as how to create and manipulate images with code, creating new artwork and interactive animations. Your images and animations will be displayed in an online Art Gallery, forming part of a vibrant learning community. The course will also help you develop effective computational thinking skills and concepts that you can apply in other coding environments and programming languages.

Getting and Cleaning Data
ADD FREE starts 2 Mar 2015
This four-week free course from John Hopkins University via Coursera will teach you how to gather, clean and manage data from a variety of sources. The course will examine obtaining data from the web, from APIs, from databases and from colleagues in various formats. It will also cover the basics of data cleaning and how to make data "tidy." Students will go on to examine the components of a complete data set including raw data, processing instructions, codebooks and processed data.

Practical Machine Learning
ADD FREE starts 2 Mar 2015
This free, four-week course in the data science specialty will teach you the basic components of building and applying prediction functions with an emphasis on practical applications. The course will provide basic grounding in concepts such as training and tests sets, overfitting, and error rates. The instructors will also introduce a range of model-based and algorithmic machine learning methods such as regression, classification trees and Naive Bayes. Students who complete the course will understand the components of a machine learning algorithm and will know how to apply multiple basic machine learning tools to build predictive data.

Facebook 101
ADD FREE always open
Facebook is the world�s most popular social network, and there�s always lots going on around the clock. It�s not much fun, though, and Facebook has little practical value if you don�t know what you are doing. This short couse on Facebook 101 will get you up to speed on how to create, use and maintain a Facebook page of your own, including understanding the social networking website�s privacy policies and settings.

Internet Safety
ADD FREE always open
Phishing, Trojans, spyware, trolls and flame wars � if the idea of these threats lurking around when you go online makes you nervous, you can now educate yourself and learn how to avoid these cyberthreats. This Internet Safety course will provide you with the strategies, skills and mindset needed to protect yourself, your computer and your privacy when you connect to the Internet.

Computer Basics
ADD FREE starts 16 Mar 2015
Are you new to using computers? Do you wonder what people mean when they refer to the cloud, Windows, Blackberry, Lion and so on? Perhaps you would just like to know more about how computers work? When it comes to learning today�s technology, this short, introductory course has all the basic concepts covered.

Introduction to Computer Programming
ADD FREE always open
This 40-unit video course exposes computer science students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data- directed programming and message-passing; and (b) between programming languages, using functional and rule-based languages as examples. It also relates these techniques to the practical problems of implementation of languages and algorithms on a von Neumann machine. There are several significant programming projects, programmed in a dialect of the LISP language.

Creative Programming for Digital Media and Mobile Apps
ADD FREE alway sopen
Learn how to develop and apply programming skills to creative work. This is an important skill within the development of creative mobile applications, digital music and video games. Participants will be introduced to the technical skills needed to write software that makes use of images, audio and graphics, with a focus on applying these skills to creative projects. Additional helpful resources will be provided for students with no programming background.

Online Graphics
ADD FREE always open
This course from University of California Berkeley delves into the technology and magic of online graphics. The links below provide access to the video lectures, and additional material including links to PDF files, slides and trascripts can be found on the course home page above.

HTML 5 Step by Step
ADD FREE always open
In the expression �creative thinking�, the keyword is not creativity, it is thinking. To help leaders be rigorous and effective, great philosophers have lots of ideas and in this course, they will help managers rediscover the art of thinking. Participants in this course will come to understand the role of mental models, realize the importance of cognitive bias, and agree on clear definitions and efficient criteria.

Javascript for Beginners
ADD FREE always open
If you want to liven up your Web pages with dynamic content or make them more interactive to grab your visitors� attention, you�ll need to use Javascript. You can add simple Javascript code to a Web page with a quick copy-and-paste procedure, but if you want to go a step further and customize the scripts you find on the Web or write your own Javascript code to spice up your Web pages, this course will give you a jump start. The series of 40 videos covers everything you need to know to become a proficient Javascript programmer.

Introduction to mySQL Database
ADD FREE always open
MySQL is the world�s most popular open source database software. It is used on millions of websites and in corporate offices around the world. According to the product website, mySQL offers superior speed, reliability and ease of use, and it has become the preferred choice for Web designers and others who manage large amounts of data using database software to accomplish the task. This course, comprised of 33 videos, gives students an introduction to mySQL databases and then moves on to setting up a mySQL server, creating a database, structuring the data, and sorting, filtering and displaying the results.

Windows 8: Getting Started
ADD FREE always open
Windows 8 is the latest version of Microsoft�s operating system for PCs and tablets. Many users are confused by Microsoft�s newest operating system, Windows 8, but this short course provides a quick start guide to the many changes Microsoft has made. Lessons explore how to upgrade from a previous Windows O/S, personalize the start screen, work with your desktop, and how to use Windows 8 apps.

Email 101
ADD FREE always open
Are you new to email? Perhaps you are wondering just how people communicate online? This introductory course will teach you the basics about email, including understanding how email works, where you get email service from, and how to communicate properly and safely online.

Programming Cloud Services for Android Devices
ADD FREE always open
This free online course presented by Vanderbilt University MOOC describes by example how to connect Android mobile devices to clouds using object-oriented design techniques, Java programming, Jetty middleware, Java servlets, the Java Spring Framework, and cloud computing platforms such as Google App Engine.

Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys
ADD FREE always open
Questionnaires are everywhere. Government agencies use them to measure the health and economic well-being of their nations; nongovernmental organizations use them to measure customer or member satisfaction; and pollsters use questionnaires to measure political attitudes and voting intentions. But designing questions that elicit good answers is harder than it looks. This course examines the stages of questionnaire design: developmental interviewing, question writing, question evaluation, pretesting, questionnaire ordering and formatting. It reviews the literature on questionnaire construction, experimental literature on question effects, and psychological literature on information processing. Students will critique existing questions and questionnaires as part of the course.

How to Use Gmail
ADD FREE always open
Gmail is a popular, Web-based email service provided by Google. Learn the basics of how to compose, send and respond to emails, in addition to exploring Gmail�s features for managing your email and accessing it from your mobile devices.

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Direct links to Web Design and Programming Courses

Web Design and Programming Courses
Introduction to Computer Programming
Introduction to Computer Science
A History of Information
Online Graphics
Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys
Programming Cloud Services for Android Handheld Devices
Javascript for Beginners
Computer Networking 101
HTML 5 Step by Step
Introduction to mySQL Database
Facebook 101
AJAX Programming
Job Search and Networking
Internet Safety
How to Build a Computer
How to Use Gmail
Computer Basics
Windows 8: Getting Started
Email 101
Creative Programming for Digital Media and Mobile Apps