Mathematics Courses

I Love Stats: Learning to Love Statistics
ADD FREE starts 15 April 2015
This course will help you develop a functional, satisfying and useful life-long relationship with statistics. To achieve that goal, we will take a non-technical approach. You will learn how statistics work and why they are so helpful in evaluating the world of information around us. You’ll learn about the logic of statistical thinking and the concepts (rather than the mathematical details and probability theory) that guide statistical inferences and conclusions. You don't need to be a math whiz to take this course. If you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide (or just be able to use a calculator to do that!), you will be more than able to handle what will happen as this relationship develops.

Fundamental Algorithms
ADD FREE starts 26 April 2015
This is a Chinese language course offered by University of Peking. Please browse course page for a description of the course curriculum displayed in Chinese.

Bases Matemáticas: Derivadas
ADD FREE starts 14 April 2015
Este curso se concibe como una revisión de los conceptos básicos del cálculo diferencial, necesarios para los primeros cursos de aquellos estudios universitarior en los que se imparte matemáticas. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un curso básico sobre funciones y derivadas, incluyendo sus aplicaciones.

Case Study: RNA-Seq Data analysis
ADD FREE starts 27 April 2015
In this series, we will explore the data analysis of an experimental protocol in-depth, using various open source software, including R and Bioconductor. You will learn how to start with raw data and perform the standard processing and normalization steps to get to the point where you can investigate relevant biological questions. This cours segment focuses on the basic steps for analyzing an RNA-seq dataset for an organism with a well-defined genome and curated gene annotation. This will include read alignment, inferring presence of isoforms, counting reads in genes, exploring sample distances, differential expression analysis, and creating visual summaries

Dynamics and Control
ADD FREE starts 14 April 2015
In this course, we will explore the data analysis of an experimental protocol in-depth, using various open source software, including R and Bioconductor. You will learn how to start with raw data and perform the standard processing and normalization steps to get to the point where you can investigate relevant biological questions. Throughout the case studies, we will make use of exploratory plots to provide a general overview of the shape of the data and the result of the experiment. You’ll learn the basic steps in analyzing DNA methylation data, including reading raw data, normalization, and finding regions of differential methylation across multiple samples.

Case Study: ChIP-Seq Data analysis
ADD FREE starts 27 April 2015
In this series, we will explore the data analysis of an experimental protocol in-depth, using various open source software, including R and Bioconductor. You will learn how to start with raw data and perform the standard processing and normalization steps to get to the point where you can investigate relevant biological questions. Throughout the case studies, we will make use of exploratory plots to provide a general overview of the shape of the data and the result of the experiment. This course segment focuses on the basic steps for analyzing ChIP-seq datasets, from read alignment to peak calling, and assessing differential binding patterns across multiple samples.

Combinatorial Mathematics
ADD FREE starts 19 Mar 2015
In this course, rather than relying on the traditional mathematical "theorem-proof" format, you’ll explore various principles in an intuitive manner with ancient stories, the scenes of movies and even a magic show. Specific topics covered will include: generating functions; recurrent number serials such as Fibonacci numbers; and pigeon hole principles; inclusion and exclusion principles.

Applied Regression analysis
ADD FREE starts 23 Mar 2015
This course provides theoretical and practical training in statistical modeling with particular emphasis on linear and multiple regression. The course will focus on linear and multiple regression, providing theoretical and practical training in statistical modeling. This is a hands-on, applied course where students will become proficient at using computer software to analyze data drawn primarily from the fields of medicine, epidemiology and public health.

analytic Combinatorics
ADD FREE starts 20 Mar 2015
This course teaches a calculus that enables precise quantitative predictions of large combinatorial structures. Learners will be introduced to the symbolic method to derive functional relations among ordinary, exponential and multivariate generating functions, as well as methods in complex analysis for deriving accurate asymptotics from the GF equations.

Common Core in Action: Math Classroom Challenges
ADD FREE starts 30 Mar 2015
Participants in this course will have an opportunity to engage in a community of learners using an inquiry cycle focusing on math formative assessments as a strategy for implementing CCSS in math. The six-week course focuses on the implementation of a Classroom Challenge: a 1 – 2 day lesson developed by the Mathematics Assessment Project based on formative assessment and the CCSSM. In the final section, you will compare the initial and post assessment data, and discuss how using the Classroom Challenge in your class enhanced student understanding as well as your own teaching practice.

Design and analysis of Algorithms
ADD FREE starts 17 Mar 2015
This course is offered in Chinese only. A description (in Chinese) is available on the course home page.

Preparing for the AP* Statistics Exam
ADD FREE starts 16 Mar 2015
This course is designed for high school students preparing to take the AP Statistics Exam. Each week of the six week review will include review videos for an important block of material, complete with videos of worked example problems and exam tips. An extensive online quiz will be given each week, with multiple problem versions that students can use to practice, along with a practice test to help students prepare for the AP Statistics Exam.

Preparing for the AP* Calculus AB and BC Exams
ADD FREE starts 16 Mar 2015
This course reviews the topics for the AP Calculus AB Exam. Each week of the six week review will include review videos for an important block of material, complete with videos of worked example problems and exam tips. An extensive online quiz will be given each week featuring multiple problem versions that students can use to practice, as well as practice tests to help students prepare for the AP* Calculus AB Exam.

Statistical Inference
ADD FREE starts 6 Apr 2015
Learn how to draw conclusions about populations or scientific truths from data in this free course. You’ll explore the fundamentals of statistical inference and receive a broad overview of the goals, assumptions and modes of performing statistical inference. Upon completion of the course, you will be able to perform inferential tasks in highly targeted settings and be able to use the skills developed as a roadmap for more complex inferential challenges.

Exploratory Data analysis
ADD FREE starts 6 Apr 2015
This 4-week course course covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing data. These techniques are typically applied before formal modeling begins and may help inform the development of more complex statistical models. Exploratory techniques are also important for eliminating or sharpening potential hypotheses about the world that can be addressed by the data. You’ll learn about the plotting systems in R as well as some of the basic principles of constructing data graphics. The course will also cover some of the common multivariate statistical techniques used to visualize high-dimensional data.

Regression Models
ADD FREE starts 6 April 2015
In this course, you will learn how to fit regression models, how to interpret coefficients, and how to investigate residuals and variability. You will also learn special cases of regression models including use of dummy variables and multivariable adjustment. Extensions to generalized linear models, especially considering Poisson and logistic regression, will be reviewed.

Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 1
ADD FREE starts 23 March 2015
This course presents the fundamental probability and statistical concepts used in elementary data analysis. It will be taught at an introductory level for students with junior or senior college-level mathematical training including a working knowledge of calculus. A small amount of linear algebra and programming are useful for the class but not required.

Algorithms: Design and analysis (Part 2)
ADD FREE starts 16 March 2015
In this free course offered by Stanford University, you will learn several fundamental principles of advanced algorithm design: greedy algorithms and applications; dynamic programming and applications; NP-completeness and what it means for the algorithm designer; the design and analysis of heuristics; and more.

Algorithms (Part 2)
ADD FREE starts 20 March 2015
In this course, you’ll learn what every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms and data structures. The course focuses on applications and scientific performance analysis of Java implementations; graph-processing algorithms, and string processing algorithms, including string sorts, tries, substring search, regular expressions and data compression.

Early Math for Pre-Schoolers
ADDFREE always open
This math course for pre-school and kindergarten students provides a gentle introduction to crucial math concepts. The curriculum consists of six units with structured exercises giving young learners multiple choice questions and immediate feedback. Rudimentary principles of arithmetic including counting, place values and patterns, addition, subtraction and measurement are covered, serving as the building blocks for more challenging math classes as youngsters process through elementary school.

Basic Math: 4th Grade U.S.
ADD FREE always open
In this 4th grade math course, students will master multi-digit addition and subtraction, as well as learn to extend the multiplication and division started in 3rd grade to several digits. This course builds on the introduction to fractions from the previous grade and delves into adding, subtracting, multiplying and comparing them. Students will learn how to convert between different units and continue exploring various shapes in two dimensions. Some of the foundational concepts of geometry (like lines, rays and angles) also are introduced. The course rounds out with a healthy dose of applied word problems and explores number patterns and properties (including the ideas of factors, multiples and prime numbers). (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)

Basic Math: 6th Grade U.S.
ADD FREE always open
In this e-course for 6th grade math students, the art of how to add, subtract, multiply and divide non-negative numbers (including decimals and fractions) will be mastered. Mind-blowing ideas like exponents (briefly introduced in the 5th grade), ratios, percents, negative numbers and variable expressions will become more familiar. Most importantly, the algebraic side of mathematics is a whole new kind of fun! The course continues to explore the coordinate plane (from 5th grade) and area, as well as introducing the idea of data. (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)

Basic Math: 3rd Grade U.S.
ADD FREE always open
This e-course for 3rd grade math students presents some of the most important ideas in mathematics. Students will extend the addition and subtraction learned in second grade to more than two digits, and they will be introduced to the concepts of multiplication, division and fractions. The course also introduces the concept of area (how much "space" something takes on a surface) and perimeter (the distance around a shape). All of that will be rounded out by making sure young learners can apply these ideas in the real world and see patterns in the mathematical world. (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)

Basic Math: 5th Grade U.S.
ADD FREE always open
This 5th grade math course will help deepen the student’s knowledge of decimals introduced in 4th grade. Students will learn to do all the arithmetic operations -- addition, subtraction, multiplication, division with decimals, and gain a clear understanding of what a decimal represents. The course also delves into adding, subtracting and division of fractions. On the measurement front, students will explore volume (or how much "space" something takes up) and learn more about unit conversion begun in 4th grade. (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)

Basic Math: 7th Grade U.S.
ADD FREE always open
This 7th grade math course takes what students learned in the previous grade to a whole new level. The course explores how to do everything with negative numbers -- add, subtract, multiply, divide, fractions, decimals -- and it will help learners take their algebraic skills to new heights by tackling two-step equations. The concept of probability is introduced, and the course digs deeper into the world of data and statistics. (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)

Basic Math: 8th Grade U.S.
ADD FREE always open
This 8th grade math course tackles the meat of algebra and also exposes learners to the foundational concepts in geometry. If the student grasps the equations, functions and systems covered here, most of his or her high school years will feel intuitive (even relaxing). In addition, the course will help learners hone skills they last saw in 6th and 7th grades, with a focus on extending knowledge of exponents to negative exponents and exponent properties. (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)

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